time:2025-01-05 09:02:32 Smart Hardware
The latest release of Huawei Mate X3 is very popular,It has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it goes on sale,Consumers have rushed to buy it after the official sale,Users who have used Huawei Mate X3 will definitely encounter a lot of things they don't understand,Including Huawei MateX3How to add watermarks to photos,There are still quite a lot of users who encounter this problem,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you。
How to add watermark to Huawei MateX3 when taking photos? Huawei MateX3 Photo Watermark Tutorial Introduction
To add a watermark to a Huawei MateX3 photo, you need to go through the settings of the camera app, and the specific steps are as follows:
1. Open the camera app, find the "Settings" button in the lower right corner of the photo interface, and tap to enter the settings interface.
2. Find the "Watermark" option in the settings interface and click to turn it on.
3. In the watermark option, you can choose which information to add as a watermark, such as time, date, geolocation, etc. Select the watermark information that needs to be added.
4. Click the back button to exit the settings interface, and then return to the photo interface to take a photo. When the shooting is complete, the watermark is automatically added to the photo.
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