time:2025-01-26 15:02:59 Tech Trends
What CPUs does the third-generation i5 have
The 3rd generation i5 CPU includes the following models: Intel Core i5-3450, Intel Core i5-3550, Intel Core i5-3570K, Intel Core i5-3570, Intel Core i5-3470T, Intel Core i5-3450S, Intel Core i5-3475S, Intel Core i5-3550S, Intel Core i5-3570T, Intel Core i5-3570S, Intel Core i5-3470S, Intel Core i5-3330. However, these processors are outdated, and the 10th, 12th, and 13th generation i5 processors are now more common on the market, such as the i5-10400F, i5-12400F, i5-12490F, i5-13400F, and i5-13490F, among others.
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