time:2025-01-12 09:02:32 Smart Hardware
OPPO A1 Vitality Edition The performance configuration of this mobile phone is still quite good,It has always had very good sales since its launch,And the evaluation of users is also very good,Many users want to know how to set the display network speed of oppoa1Vitality Edition,You can take a look。
OPPOA1 Vitality Edition how to set the display network speed
1. Open Settings and tap Notifications & Status Bar.
2. Open the slide bar on the right side of the real-time network speed.
3. You can see the network speed in the upper right corner of the mobile phone screen.
OPPO A1 Vitality Edition This mobile phone is still more consumers,I believe you can understand how to set the display network speed of oppoa1 Vitality Edition after reading the above article,In fact, this function is not complicated,Just read this tutorial carefully。
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