time:2024-10-10 08:02:58 Tech Trends
Glory80It is a very cost-effective model in the latest new machine launched by Glory,The configuration of this mobile phone in all aspects is very good,I believe that a large number of users have started,The process of using the mobile phone is certainly not smooth sailing,You will definitely encounter functions that will not be used,For example, glory80How to connect to Huawei watch,The following is a brief introduction to the specific tutorial for you!
The steps to connect the Honor 80 to the Huawei Watch are as follows:
1. Turn on the Honor 80 phone, tap "Settings", and enter the "Bluetooth" settings;
2. Click "Search", find the Huawei Band, and click Connect.
3. Open the HUAWEI Band, touch "Settings", and enter the "Bluetooth" settings.
4. Click "Search", find Honor 80, click Connect;
5. Enter the Bluetooth password of the Honor 80 and click "OK" to complete the connection.
To connect the Huawei Band to the Honor 80, you need to make sure that the Bluetooth function is turned on, and the distance between the two is not too far to ensure the stability of the connection. Also, during the connection process, make sure that the Bluetooth password entered is correct to avoid connection failures.
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