time:2024-10-12 09:02:20 Smart Hardware
Glory80 Pro Straight screen version is a new machine that consumers have paid more attention to recently,Glory began to warm up this mobile phone a long time ago,The results have not disappointed everyone since the official launch,Sales have been very good,Users who start will inevitably encounter a lot of problems that they don't understand,For example, how to turn on the e-book mode of the glory80 Pro straight screen version,Xiaobian will lead you to take a look at the relevant tutorials!
How does the Honor 80 Pro Straight Screen Edition turn on e-book mode? Honor 80 Pro Straight Screen Edition eBook Mode Setup Tutorial
1. Open the Honor 80 Pro Straight Screen Edition and tap Settings.
2. Once inside, click Display & Brightness.
3. After entering, click to open the e-book mode.
4. Finally, when you return to the desktop, you can see the set e-book mode, which can be set by the user as needed.
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