time:2024-12-15 09:02:23 Smart Hardware
OPPO Reno 10 Pro is a mobile phone with very good performance in all aspects,Sales volume can also rank among the top few in the new machine released by realme,Recently, a large number of users have started,In order to facilitate everyone's usual use,Today Xiaobian will introduce you to the real me Realme11ProHow to open the floating window,I hope the content of the following article can help you。
Realme Realme11ProHow to open the floating window
You can turn on the floating window feature of the Realme 11 Pro by following these steps:
1. Open the Settings app.
2. Scroll down and find the "Sidebar & Overlay" option.
3. Click on "Overlay".
4. Enable the Floating Window.
5. Select the app according to your needs and add it to the overlay list.
6. Now you will be able to browse other apps in any app using the overlay.
Please note that some apps may not work in the overlay, depending on the app's settings.
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