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How to exit the app for Huawei nova12pro

time:2025-02-04 15:02:40 Gadget Insights

HuaweiNova12 ProThe performance configuration of this mobile phone is very good,Since its official launch, it has maintained a very good sales,The experience of users is also very good,Because the mobile phone has a good reputation, the popularity is still quite high,The following small series will introduce you to the game Huawei nova12proHow to exit the application,Come and take a look at the relevant content!

 How to exit the app for Huawei nova12pro

Method one: Swipe down on the screen, open the "Task View" or "Recent Apps" interface, and swipe up on the app you want to close until it disappears from the screen.

Method two: Press and hold the back key at the bottom of the screen until the app closes and you go back to the home screen.

Method three: Press and hold the "Home" key on the screen until all apps close and go back to the home screen.

The relevant content about how to exit the application of Huawei nova12pro is introduced here today,Users who have already bought Huawei nova12 Pro must patiently browse the above tutorials,If there are other doubts about the use of mobile phones, you can continue to pay attention to other articles。

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