time:2024-10-03 09:02:43 Smart Hardware
As people's living conditions are getting better and better,The mobile phones we buy are becoming more and more advanced,Many functions that were not there before have been realized on the mobile phone,Glory's recent launch of gloryMagic5It is a very powerful model,The performance in all aspects is very good,Today, Xiaobian will introduce to you the gloryMagic5Whether there are stereo dual speakers,Users who have the same problem come and take a look!
Does the Honor Magic5 have stereo dual speakers? Does the Honor Magic5 support stereo dual speakers?
There are stereo dual speakers
Symmetrical stereo dual speakers are equipped with two speakers of the same volume on both sides of the phone, so there is no problem of different sound levels on both sides. Netizens who have experienced this kind of speaker generally feel uncomfortable when they use a single-speaker mobile phone, because the sound effect of symmetrical stereo dual speakers is really much better, such as it is more comfortable to watch movies outside, and it is very convenient to play chicken and listen to sound identification.
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