time:2024-11-21 09:02:45 Smart Hardware
HuaweiP40 is a brand new model that performs very well in all aspects,This mobile phone has a high sales volume after its release,Major e-commerce platforms can be said to be hard to find,I believe that a large number of users have already started this mobile phone,But HuaweiP40What is the charging interface This question must be something that many people don't understand,The following editor will give you a detailed introduction to it!
What is the Huawei P40 charging port? Is Huawei p40 USBTypeC port?
Yes USB Type C port
Huawei P40 earphones, data transmission, charging and other operations all use the Type C port at the bottom of the phone.
Type-C, the full name of USB Type-C, is a USB interface form factor, smaller than Type-A and Type-B, which can be applied to both PC (master device) and external devices (slave devices, such as mobile phones).
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