time:2024-10-14 09:02:37 Smart Hardware
As people's living conditions get better and better,The mobile phones we buy are becoming more and more advanced,Many functions that were not there before have been realized on the mobile phone,Glory's recently launched Glory Magic V2 Ultimate Edition is a very powerful model,The performance in all aspects is very good,Today, Xiaobian will introduce you to the GloryMagicV2 Ultimate How to insert a card,Users who have the same problem come and take a look together!
How to insert a card in the Honor MagicV2 Ultimate? Honor MagicV2 Ultimate Card Tutorial
1. Find the card tray port on your mobile phone and use a needle or card tray needle to pop out the card tray port.
2. Insert the Nano SIM card into the corresponding card slot, note that the metal contacts are facing downwards and the card is in the correct direction.
3. Insert the card tray back into its original position and gently compact it to ensure that the card tray port is fully embedded.
4. Turn on the mobile phone, enter Settings - Dual SIM and Network - Card 1 / Card 2 settings, and make relevant settings and adjustments to the inserted card.
5. After inserting the card, the phone will automatically detect the SIM card. If you need to set up the SIM card function, you can do so in your phone's settings.
Xiaobian introduced to you today how to insert the card of the GloryMagicV2 Ultimate, is it already clear to you? The Honor Magic V2 Ultimate has a good reputation in the market since its release, so if you like it, go buy it and use it!
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