time:2024-09-30 09:02:45 Smart Hardware
GloryMagic6 Pro is one of the more popular models in the mobile phone industry recently,This mobile phone has been deeply concerned by users since its release,After all, it is the latest model launched by Glory,There is a huge improvement in performance,There have been many users who have already started this new machine,But some people will encounter glorymagic6proHow to hide photos? Next, the editor will bring you a specific tutorial.
Honor magic6pro how to hide photos
First, open the photo album that comes with your Honor phone
Second, open the four dots in the upper right corner to see the hidden album, click to enter
Third, click the switch button to set the hidden album
Fourth, if you want to add a new hidden album, you can click ➕ the plus sign in the upper right corner of the homepage to create a new album
GloryMagic6 ProThis mobile phone must still be liked by everyone,In addition to the glorymagic6proHow to hide photos in the article? In addition to the tutorial, if you want to know about other functional tutorials of this phone, you can take a look at other related content.
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