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Does the Honor Magic5 Pro support Eagle Eye motion capture?

time:2024-12-07 16:02:40 Smart Hardware

Glory launched by GloryMagic5 ProSales are very high in recent times,Reputation has been very good since its release,Both from the appearance design and from the performance configuration have great advantages,It is very popular in mobile phones of the same level,Users who have bought GloryMagic5 Pro in recent times will have the question of gloryMagic5 ProDoes Hawkeye dynamic capture,Next, I will solve my doubts for you。

Does the Honor Magic5 Pro have Hawkeye motion capture? Does the Honor Magic5 Pro support Eagle Eye motion capture?

Yes, the Honor Magic5 Pro comes with the new Eagle Eye camera system.

In terms of imaging, the Honor Magic5 Pro adopts a flagship specification of three main cameras, and the super light-sensitive main camera improves the night scene ability, which is divided into wide-angle, ultra-wide, and telephoto. Among them, the 50-million-pixel wide-angle main camera has a 1/1.12-inch outsole sensor, 2.8um four-in-one equivalent pixels, 23mm f/1.6, and supports OIS optical image stabilization. The 50-million-dollar ultra-wide-angle main camera has a 1/2-inch sensor and offers a 13mm f/2.0 and 122° ultra-wide angle, supporting 2.5cm super macro. The 50-megapixel telephoto main camera has an f/3.0 aperture, supports OIS optical image stabilization, and offers 3.5X optical zoom and 100X maximum zoom capabilities.

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