time:2024-09-21 13:49:12 Tech Trends
The progress of the times has made many people's incomes higher and higher,The mobile phones you usually use will be replaced frequently,Recently, Huawei just launched HuaweiP50Presumably users are aware of it,The performance configuration is very high,It can provide users with a more comfortable and smooth experience,But the new mobile phone will inevitably encounter a lot of functions that will not be used,For example, HuaweiP50How to set up the live window,Come and see the following tutorial!
How to set up the Huawei P50 live window
HarmonyOS 4.0 has been updated with a feature similar to the Dynamic Island
It's called a live window
So first of all, the mobile phone system needs to be upgraded to HarmonyOS 4.0
Choose the apps you want to use (but there aren't many apps supported yet)
The app switches to the background, and the Live Window will be in the form of a pill icon
It will appear in the upper left corner and show the progress of the event message.
For example, if you order takeout, the Live Window will show you your progress in a card
If you do something else, the takeaway status will be displayed as a capsule at the top.
In the upper left corner of the screen, the lock screen can more efficiently display real-time app notifications for users, and support switching between capsules and cards.
However, there are currently very few supported applications
It is a convenient and efficient way to manage multiple tasks, users can run multiple applications at the same time on one interface to achieve fast switching and multi-tasking operations. It shows a better and more powerful performance and operating experience.
This simultaneous operation of multiple tasks greatly improves the efficiency and convenience of users.
Huawei P50 This mobile phone must still be very fond of everyone,In addition to the article Zhonghua for the P50 live window how to set up the tutorial,If you want to know about other functions of this mobile phone tutorial,You can take a look at other related content。
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