time:2024-11-18 16:02:54 Smart Hardware
Glory has been very popular in China in recent years,The new machines released every year are also very good,Take the glory released this yearMagic V3 as an example,The performance has been greatly improved and has brought a lot of new features to users,Users who have used this mobile phone will inevitably encounter functions that will not be used,Xiaobian is here to introduce to you the gloryMagicV3How to set the back navigation key? Check it out!
How to set the return navigation key for Honor MagicV3?
The method of setting the return navigation key for Honor Magic3 mainly includes the following steps:
First of all, turn on your phone and enter the settings interface
In the settings screen, scroll to the bottom to find the System & Updates option
In the System and Updates interface, click System Navigation in the second column
In the system navigation mode, select [On-screen three-button navigation], and then go to [More Settings].
In [More Settings], there are four navigation key combinations to choose from, just choose the one you like
In addition, for specific situations, such as in the game settings, you can also select [System and Updates], then click [System Navigation Mode] after the page jumps, and select [On-screen Three-Button Navigation] among the three navigation methodsThis method is suitable for users who need to quickly set the navigation keys in the game.
Overall, the performance of the Honor Magic V3 is still very good, if you set the return navigation key in addition to the Honor MagicV3? There are other functions to understand, you can collect them, and the article content of the latest models will be brought to you every day.
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