time:2024-10-13 08:02:43 Tech Trends
GloryX50The performance configuration of this mobile phone is still quite good,It has always had very good sales since its launch,And the evaluation of users is also very good,Many users want to know how the gloryX50How to split the screen in half and half,You can take a look together。
Honor X50 how to split the screen half and half
1. Open an app on the desktop, swipe in from the left or right edge of the screen and pause, and call out the smart split-screen application bar.
2. Press and hold and drag the app bar icon to the edge of the screen to release it to open the split screen, and pull the middle boundary to adjust it to halfway.
Tips: When calling out the sidebar, you need to open the smart multi-window application bar, the system is turned on by default, you can go to Settings - Accessibility - Smart Multi-window to check whether it is turned on.
GloryX50There are still more consumers who start with this mobile phone,I believe you can understand the glory X50How to split the screen half and half after reading the above article,In fact, this function is not complicated,Just read this tutorial carefully。
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