time:2025-01-22 15:03:09 Gadget Insights
Now the competition in the mobile phone industry is very fierce,RecentlyRedmi K60 Extreme Edition is very popular,Sales are still very good after launch,It can be said that it is difficult to find a machine,There are even users who can buy it at a higher price,As a high-end model,Users will inevitably encounter a lot of things they don't understand when using Redmi K60 Extreme Edition,Including what is the charging interface of RedmiK60 Extreme Edition,The following editor will solve your confusion!
What is the RedmiK60 Extreme charging interface? RedmiK60 Extreme Edition charging interface introduction
USB Type-C charging port.
The Redmi K60 Extreme Edition will be equipped with a Dimensity 9200+ processor, paired with 100W fast charging, Dimensity 9200 + processor + Pixelworks X7 discrete graphics chip + furious engine 2.0, and the screen is a 1.5K resolution, 144Hz refresh rate centered cut-out straight screen to ensure the gaming experience.
The above is an introduction to the content of the RedmiK60 Extreme Edition charging interface, Redmi K60 The configuration of the Extreme Edition of this mobile phone is still quite good, and the price is relatively low if you start now, you can browse the official website and major e-commerce platforms to see which price is lower.
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