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Where does Huawei P60Pro open the small window

time:2025-01-15 15:02:56 Gadget Insights

In order to meet people's daily use needs,Now the mobile phone functions are more and more,Huawei recently launched a new model for everyone,That is, Huawei P60 Pro, the functions of this mobile phone are more diversified,It can bring users a better experience,But it also brings some troubles to everyone,For example, HuaweiP60ProHow to open a small window,Let Xiaobian introduce you to the specific tutorial!

To open the small window on your Huawei P60Pro, follow these steps:

1. Swipe in from the left or right side of the screen and pause to call out the smart split screen.

 2. Click the app in the app bar to open the floating window.

3. Repeat the above operations to open multiple application floating windows. Click the overlay button to switch between the overlay app.


1. When calling out the sidebar, you need to open the smart multi-window application bar, which is turned on by default, and you can go to Settings - Accessibility - Smart Multi-window to check whether it is turned on.

2. The mobile phone can only display one floating window at a time, and cannot open multiple floating windows at the same time.

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