time:2024-10-01 08:02:31 Tech Trends
The latest release of Glory Magic Vs is very popular,It has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it goes on sale,After the official sale, consumers have rushed to buy,Users who have used Glory Magic Vs will definitely encounter a lot of things they don't understand,Including glory Magic Vs How to display the model in photos,There are still quite a lot of users who encounter this problem,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you。
How to display the model of Honor Magic Vs when taking photos? Honor Magic Vs photo how to show the model
1. Open the camera app of the Honor Magic Vs and enter the camera settings menu.
2. Find the "Photo Settings" option, and then select "Save EXIF Information" to turn on the model display function.
What is the function of the model display? In fact, the model display is very useful for many users. First of all, the model display can help users better understand the phone model they are using, as well as information such as the camera performance and functions of the phone model. Second, the model display also allows other users to better understand the device you're using, allowing for more targeted communication and discussion. Finally, the model display can also help users better manage their photos, including classifying, organizing, and archiving their photos.
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