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Introduction to the OPPO Find N2 Flip battery life phone

time:2025-02-24 08:02:42 Tech Trends

OPPO Find N2 Flip as a new phone launched by oppo not long ago,The performance in all aspects is very good,It has maintained a high sales volume since it was officially launched,Users who have used this phone have a very good evaluation,But there are also many consumers who are considering whether to buy,In order to let you know more about this mobile phone,The following will introduce to you how the OPPO Find N2 Flip battery life。

How about the battery life of the OPPOFindN2Flip? How long does OPPOFindN2Flip last

 It is possible to play videos continuously for 11 hours

The OPPO Find N2 Flip is equipped with a 6.8-inch large screen with a peak brightness of 1600 nits and a high refresh rate of 120Hz. The 4300mAh battery capacity and 44W super flash charging increase the overall battery life by up to 33%, the continuous video battery life by 75%, and the continuous playback of long videos for up to 11 hours.

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