time:2024-10-12 08:03:02 Tech Trends
Glory70 Pro+It is a new model that uses the latest processor,As a new model launched by Honor this year,Presumably many consumers are very fond of this mobile phone,It will definitely be used as the main machine after starting,In order to allow everyone to better use this mobile phone,Xiaobian today brings you Glory70 Pro+Where to set custom ringtones,Users who don't know how to use this function will take a look at the following tutorial together!
Where does the Honor 70 Pro+ set a custom ringtone? How to set a custom ringtone for the Honor 70 Pro+
1. Open the phone settings, enter the settings interface, and find [Sound and Vibration] to enter its function interface.
2. In the sound and vibration interface, click to enter it when you find the [Ringtone].
3. Then select local music in the ringtone, and you can set the imported ringtone.
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