time:2024-10-13 16:02:22 Smart Hardware
HUAWEI nova 10 is a new machine that consumers have paid more attention to recently,Huawei began to warm up this mobile phone a long time ago,The results have not disappointed everyone since the official launch,Sales have been very good,Users who start will inevitably encounter a lot of problems that they don't understand,For example, Huawei nova10How to split the screen,Xiaobian will lead you to take a look at the relevant tutorials!
How does Huawei nova10 split screen? Huawei nova10 split screen tutorial recommendation
Here are the steps to split screen on Huawei nova 10:
1. Open the two apps you want to split.
2. A white bar will appear at the bottom of the phone screen with two circular icons on it. Press and hold one of the icons.
3. In the case of a long press, another icon will change to the currently running application.
4. Select another app that you want to split.
5. Release the icon and press and hold to complete the split-screen operation.
When the two apps are successfully split, you can resize the two apps by dragging the white vertical bar. If you need to exit the split screen, just press and hold the icon on the white bar again and drag to the bottom.
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